Essential Backpacking Tips

Things you need to go backpacking

Camping trips are exquisite experiences of a lifetime. Exploring the wilderness of unreachable terrains, away from the hustles of the city, camping trips are a way of connecting you to nature. Disconnecting from technology and spending time for yourself are essential for the holistic wellbeing of your body. The benefits of investing on a camping trip are often harnessed by the likes of corporates and many private tour companies that organize various types of camping trips for enthusiasts. Backpacking is one such fantastic camping idea that extends over a few days. The backpacking involves carrying heavy backpacks packed with hiking gears along with water, clothing, bedding, a cooking kit, stove and of course, shelter. Although the weight of the backpack is a concern, the thrill of hiking and getting away from the routines makes backpacking a fascinating camping activity. Excitements apart, backpacking being an adventurous activity one needs to be extra mindful to make the trip easier. This article tours you through seven essential backpacking tips that can make your trip enjoyable.

Prerequisites for a backpacking trip

Backpacking trips can be adventurous with all the hiking and the enormous bag weighing on your shoulders. But nothing can beat the power of proper training. Whether an expert or not, it is imperative to get trained at least for a week before your actual adventure.Here are the three significant prerequisites that can make your prep prefect.

Strengthen up your body

So, once you have scheduled your trip, ensure that you enrol for training with the backpack on, of course. Because training with the actual weight can give you the right idea on how to strap up. Similarly, a workout on the elliptical or the stair climber will be the ideal endurance training for your hiking expedition. Pilates can strengthen up your shoulder and back muscles as well.

Choose the right backpack.

Affordable online purchases might lessen the burden on your purse; however, the experts recommend an in-person selection and trial of the backpacks. In case you are still going in for the online option, make sure that you purchase at least four models and try all with weight in it and return the unsuitable ones. .

Picking up the right gears

The third and essential prerequisite in a hiking checklist is the selection of camping gears. Since backpacking success depends upon your ability to hike with weight, you might tend to shred every bit of the extra weight. The possible lightweight options for your backpacking gears are lightweight tents and also a lightweight sleeping bag. If you are a part of a group known to you, invest in tents that fit all of you inside it. This considerably reduces the weight required to be carried, as the tent parts would be equally shared and lifted by each.

While lightweight backpacking gears tend to be expensive, you always have a chance to rent out the gears too. Also, make sure that your obsession with lightening up the weight does not compromise on the quality of the gears. Hiking high mountains also bring along low temperature and hence, investing in quality sleep gears would be highly recommended.

Backpack requisites on the go

Choose the suitable hiking paths

If you are a newbie to backpacking, it is highly recommended to avoid paths that are too difficult or are high altitude ones. The initial trips can be a bit shorter ones extending an overnight or for three to four days. For the experienced ones, study the path thoroughly. Choose the circuits that are shorter in the initial stages when the backpacks are heavy and the longer circuits when bags go nearly light weighted. Expert hikers also admit that days of backpacking with heavy weights can become a habit as the days go by.

Leave enough traces

Solo backpacking can take a backseat for those who have just started out this adventure trip. This is to avoid the possibilities of emergency and the unavailability of help in a critical situation. Never ever set out on a trip without the area map. Similarly register yourself in trail registrars or national park offices as well. It is recommended to move with a group if the area is unknown and in case you still want to continue solo expedition, consider investing on a satellite phone.

Pack enough food

Probably the most important and the heaviest of all items amongst your hiking checklist. Protein bars, fruits and nuts are few get-go food that are easier to pack and can be consumed on the go.You can even try instant mashed potatoes or meals or pasta with powdered sauce in your backpacking expedition.

Be mindful of waste disposals

Let minimal packing be your motto. Also, consider packing in fewer things to reduce the waste as well the disposals. The hikers are often advised not to dirty the natural sources of waters with soap and human wastes. Inculcate the habit of packing the wastes without letting out to nature.

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